Sunday, April 27, 2008


Our amazing Scorpion stunt with Marlies. She is more flexible now. This was
the first stunt of our routine. It's awesome!

This is called a herky, and yes, I make funny faces when I jump!

This was our Silent Weekend group, clockwise from top, Jacki, Jess, Ian, Hilary,
Shanda, Crapo, Marz, and Heather. It was a fun group!

We had to do cheers for part of our presentation, and the theme was
pirates. Our cheer was us being caught in a storm and we'd progressively
lose people off the ends. I was the captain of the ship, so I'd steer, then keep
everyone on time for the cheer. It was great fun!

Shanda and I had had way too much apple juice (makes us both hyper)
so we had zipped our jackets together. It was hard to walk! We got
some pretty funny looks, but it was funny!

March was full of nationals, college, spring break, and of course, Bryce. March 1st was the deadline for a college application and I misread the date, and missed it. I was distraught and just happen to be on a date at Crapo's when I found that I had missed the date. I broke down and was so frustrated and felt so stupid. I now have to find another college to go to..

Mom and dad came home the day before I left for Anaheim, California for our nationals competition. It was wild. I had so much fun! I promised myself I would not sleep through Disneyland, as I had done last year and Dani and I hit it up for everything we could! It was great to go on all the rides and hang out with some of the cheerleaders. We competed in the wrong category, so of course we didn't place. But that did mean more time to play. I thought that our routine went well because every one of my stunts hit, and so did my tumbling. So, I was very confused to come off the floor and everyone was furious. But, oh did they practice? Hmm, that explained a lot. Our stunts were freaking amazing and it was a blast to perform at the Anaheim convention center. I had a hard time dealing with the end of nationals because I am a senior and so it's my last time going down there. Luckily, I had Disneyland to make up for it. I was rooming with Marlies, Dani, and Jess. It was fabulous to have a mellow room and it was great to be with them (this is my stunt group actually..)

I went on a few more dates with Matt, but he ended up giving up on me. Things weren't working out and I never made time for him. If I had a spare moment I would squeeze in time to see Bryce, but never Matt. I felt really bad, but it really hadn't worked between us. I organized a surprise party for Crapo for her birthday. We had her called out of class and had made a cake and everything. She was so surprised and it was so much fun. She was very appreciative because there was no one else to throw her a party because Shanda had a dance on her birthday.

Shannon and I went down to Provo for a cousin's party with the Almond side. It was at a tumbling gym and it was such a blast to go and play! I practiced tumbling and Shannon got down some pretty impressive cartwheels! I have now figured things out with Vocational Rehab and they are going to buy me hearing aides. A lot of March was scheduling things out to get them. I am hoping to get them soon.

For Spring Break, Laura, Shane, and I all went down to California to look for housing and to look at our respective college campuses. It was fun to drive down with them and to see the gorgeous state. We took I-80 over instead of taking I-15, so it was all new scenery to us. We had a navigator ,which saved our hides many times. We visited the whole coast. Sacramento first, then over to San Francisco, down to Ventura, and on to San Diego. I learned a lot about Shane and Laura and am going to have to find out how to deal with Shane. It will be a learning process, but I'm sure I can work through it.

I had my first migraine and it lasted nearly 2 weeks. It was awful and it surly messed up my schedule. However, I worked through it. The last weekend in March I was able to attend Silent Weekend with some other students in my ASL classes. We took a vow of silence and signed the entire day, night, and next day. It was such a blast and I learned so much! We were split into groups and I didn't know anyone in mine. I loved getting to know new people and interacting in another language. I was happy that there were very few things that I couldn't relate in sign, and I found ways to communicate them over. I had that migraine the whole time though, but other than that it was fabulous! There were so many jokes and funny things and it's strange to think back on it and think back on conversations and it's like they were spoken, even though none of them were. I can think of how they would say it and how they would have sounded. With emphasis too.

March wasn't as exciting as February, but it was still an awesome month!

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